The consumption of meat, meat products and farmed seafood is projected to rise by 312 per cent by 2030. Intensive poultry farming practices contribute to disease transmission among animals. To control these infections, antibiotics (AGPs) are widely used to prevent diseases in these farmed animals and to increase productivity. China, USA, Brazil & India are not only the world’s largest meat producing countries, but also the largest consumer of antimicrobials for animal production. This issue has been getting increased consumer attention worldwide and industry is beginning to adjust to supply the antibiotic free poultry that the market is seeking.

The International Food Safety and Quality Network standards have laid down strict regulations for the use of antimicrobials in food animals.

US-FDA – Center for Veterinary Medicine & American Veterinary Medical Association have already formulated & put into place the ANTIMICROBIAL STEWARDSHIP & VETERINARY FEED DIRECTIVE (VFD) REGULATION. As per VFD – GFI # 213 (Guidance for Industry) – out of the total 292 animal drug applications:

  • 84 are completely withdrawn
  • 93 water application drugs & 115 feed application drugs are converted from over-the-counter (OTC) to prescription status.
  • Production (e.g., growth promotion) indications are withdrawn from all 31 AGP’s.

EFSA-EMA & Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) have already put into practice the Restricted & Responsible Use of Antibiotics for Food Producing Animals

Majority of the South East Asian countries including Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia amongst others have started implementing the restricted use of antibiotics and the results are showing in their growing exports to Europe & US.

PROBIOTICS are the crucial link in this scenario, which have the potential of securing these farmed food producing animals. Probiotics act by:

  1. Competing for the nutrient availability
  2. Competitively excluding pathogenic microorganisms in the intestinal mucosa
  3. Inhibition of pathogenic growth by production of organic acids and antibiotic-like compounds
  4. Boosting the 1st Line of Defense and Immunity

SANZYME BIOLOGICS is a 50-year-old biotechnology company based in Hyderabad, India. SANZYME specializes in the production of PROBIOTIC bacteria and supplies customers in more than 30 markets globally, for applications in Human Health, Human Food, Aquaculture, Poultry, Livestock and Bioremediation.

SANCO – the Animal Health Division of SANZYME BIOLOGICS is a pioneer in the development, application & use of PROBIOTICS Strains for Poultry / Animal farming. With its intense R&D, Application Technologies, Delivery Systems, Innovative Methodologies and Global Reach, SANCO has been serving the global Poultry / Animal farming community – in reducing & tackling Antibiotic use in food producing animals. The Probiotic Strains used for farmed animals is different from that of the Probiotic Strains used for Human Health. Probiotic Strain development suiting the Poultry and other farmed animals is an ever & ongoing process at SANZYME BIOLOGICS. SANCO Probiotic Strains for Poultry / other farmed animals are deposited with Microbial Type Culture Collection & Gene Bank (MTCC) Chandigarh, India. The Probiotic Strains developed are also screened & tested for Anti-Microbial Resistant Genes (AMR)

SANZYME BIOLOGICS currently In addition to producing our own strains is also a trusted CMO for companies wishing to develop and commercially produce their own Probiotic strains. Services provided include – Toll Manufacturing, Sample Generation (for trials), and CRO services. SANZYME BIOLOGICS facilities are NSF certified, FAMI QS certified, ISO – 220000-2005, and ISO-9001-2015 certified.

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